Whether you are a prepper or just a parent the need for a well stocked first aid kit is critical. Case in point. My daughter just fell off a barstool and jammed her index finger and bruised her cheek up. So first things first I pulled a frozen sponge out of the freezer, and grabbed the first aid kit. In my first aid kit I have unusual items. Like craft sticks the wide tongue depressor type and the Popsicle type. I buy them at the craft store because they are cheap there. I can use them for a wide variety of uses, like splinting fingers and toes, as well as a tongue depressor. I have duct tape and white first aid I also have steri strips but that doesn't really apply here. For my daughter's jammed finger I broke the wide craft stick in half and cover it in white first aid tape to prevent splinters and it pads it too. Then I taped her finger to it.
Back to the sponge. I take a cheap kitchen sponge, soak it in water and a little rubbing alcohol and put it in a freezer bag then into the freezer. It stays pliable and it doesn't leak. It is a cleaner than a bag of peas or ice. The alcohol makes it stay cold and pliable. It works great for all kinds of ouchies.